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The student news site of Daniel Pearl Magnet High School in Lake Balboa, CA

The Pearl Post

  • March 18Minimum Day on Friday, March 21
  • March 18SAT School Day for juniors in the MPR on Thursday, March 20
  • March 1810-week grades due on Thursday, March 20
  • March 14Open House from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18
  • March 11ELPAC Testing Monday March 17 to Friday, March 21
  • March 11ASB School Dance from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the MPR on Friday, March 14

The Pearl Post

The student news site of Daniel Pearl Magnet High School in Lake Balboa, CA

The student news site of Daniel Pearl Magnet High School in Lake Balboa, CA

The Pearl Post

Editorial Policies

Statement of Ownership

The Pearl Post newsmagazine, website and Prestige Yearbook are open forums for student expression, as allowed by California Education Codes 48907 (California Student Free Expression Law and a counter to Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier) and 48950, committed to excellence in reporting, writing and photography. The print newsmagazine is published bi-monthly by students in the Journalism 2 or 3 class. The website is updated at least twice a week. The yearbook is distributed in late May.

CA Ed Code 48907: “In addition to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, states can also provide free speech protection to their own citizens by enacting state laws or regulations. The California Student Free Expression Law is such a provision and provides student journalists attending California public high schools, including charter schools, with added protection against administrative censorship. The law also protects teachers and other school personnel against retaliation for students’ lawful exercise of their free-speech rights.”

Our Mission

We seek to provide high-quality journalism containing professional writing, editing and publishing. The newsmagazine strives to inform and educate both students and faculty on events affecting Daniel Pearl Magnet High School and its surrounding community. The yearbook aims to capture events and memories from the school year. The published work of the student publications is representative of the thoughts of the journalism students and them exclusively. 

Diversity Statement

As a publication, we strive for a diversity of sources, staff members, editors and reported topics. We understand the importance of amplifying the voices of the whole student body. We seek to interview the same source no more than three times per school year in order to allow for increased representation of a variety of school community members. We ensure that the sources we interview are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, grade level, gender, sexual orientation, etc. We respect the varying voices of our community and do not tolerate hate in any form.

Editorial Policy

Each issue of The Pearl Post will contain an unsigned editorial, whose topic is decided by the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and section editors. The editorial reflects the opinion of the entire staff, including writers. 

Controversial Issues

The Pearl Post is responsible for researching the topic thoroughly enough to become aware of the complexity of the controversial issue and to cover the issue comprehensively, avoiding one-sidedness. The Editorial Board and adviser will discuss the proposed content to assure that coverage meets legal, ethical and policy standards. Content that could be viewed as controversial will be reviewed by the section editor and at least one other person (i.e: Managing Editor). 


If any current student, teacher, or faculty member dies over the course of the school year (if an adult staff member dies during summer break, it will be covered on return in August) it will be covered as a news story with no more than 250 words. It will include factual information (date of birth and death, hobbies, participation in organizations, interests, etc.) and the most recent yearbook photo if possible. The Pearl Post does not need to obtain permission from the deceased family before running the story. When possible, we will seek an interview with the family of the deceased.


If a student or faculty member commits a criminal act that is newsworthy, it may be published provided it is reported on appropriately. IF A PERSON IS ARRESTED, WE WILL GET A COPY OF THE POLICE REPORT OR ANY ADDITIONAL COURT DOCUMENTS AS SOURCES. Names of underage students who are charged with crimes will not be published unless they are charged as adults.

Anonymous sources 

 Anonymous sources may only be used if protecting a person or victim’s privacy. For example, an undocumented person may be used as an anonymous source in an article pertaining to the subject. In most cases, this will only happen in the news section or in a special report. 


Stories may not be shown for approval to anyone outside of staff members. Quotes may be taken back to the source for clarification or confirmation. Interviewed subjects have no right to read the story before it is published to approve it.

Conflict of Interest

We will not quote ourselves or friends in a story we are writing. We will not write a story about an organization or activity we participate in. We will also avoid interviewing a teacher we have that year. If necessary, we will ask a fellow staff member to conduct the interview for us and this person will get credit in a byline.


In the event that The Pearl Post has made a factual error in print, a standard correction stating the error and the correct fact will be published in the next issue, on either the first or second page and on the online story. A standard typography error will not be publicly corrected. The responsibility for writing and corrections lies with the page editor on whose page the error occurred.

Website Access 

The Pearl Post editors have sole access and authority over editing and updating the website. Staff writers, adviser(s) and school administrators do not have login access.


No photo or illustration will be used which demeans an individual or organization or holds them up to ridicule. The photo editor and the editorial board will decide the use of photos depicting strong emotion or grief. 

Advertising content

DPMHS Student Media accepts paid advertising and will accept ads from all sources except those promoting activities/products that are illegal for those under the age of 18. The Editorial Board screens ads for obscene, libelous or educationally disruptive content, which is grounds for the ad not being accepted.

Takedown requests

The DPMHS Student Media editorial board will evaluate takedown requests on a case-by-case basis. DPMHS Student Media does not have the obligation to remove information based on request, unless that information is deemed obscene or libelous. The board will evaluate if the justification for a takedown request outweighs the newsworthiness or necessity of the information published. The adviser or school/district administration do not have any involvement in deciding the outcome of takedown requests.


DPMHS Student Media reporters will always ask interviewees for their pronouns for publication. The publication respects all gender identities and pronouns. If an article subject uses multiple pronouns (such as he/they), the writer will ask the subject which pronoun makes them most comfortable, in order to avoid confusion in an article. If an individual is ever misgendered in an article, they should contact the article writer or editorial board for immediate rectification.

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