Every month, we recognize two student athletes, one male, one female. This month we recognize freshman Sabrina Salek-Hovatter.
Salek-Hovatter plays for both the junior varsity and varsity girls lacrosse team at Birmingham Charter Community High School. She hopes to be able to improve her game along with the friends she has made through the sport.
Q: How long have you been in Lacrosse?
A: This is my first year actually playing/practicing year-round for a school team. I played in the Spring during middle school, but it was a completely different experience. This is my fourth year playing.
Q: How do you feel transferring from JV to Varsity?
A: I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunity, since it grants me more playing time. I am (or was before the injury) a sub for varsity, but I played in most of their games. I was able to connect with my teammates in ways I hadn’t before.
Q: What was the injury and what happened?
A: We were playing Culver City last Tuesday, and I was playing as attack. We had a game the day before, so we were all kind of beat up. All of JV was brought in to play to give everyone a rest. I was playing offense, and was running up the field with the ball. Once I crossed the eight meter mark, so many girls were defending me. One girl way taller than me collided with the back of my neck—right below where the helmet covered, might I add—knocking me to the ground. She got a yellow card, and I asked to spend the rest of the game on the bench because I was on the verge of throwing up and was extremely disoriented and wobbly. Also no concussion protocol was run because our coach was out of town. Everything was so chaotic. But I don’t blame anyone! The coach’s younger sister (a junior) sat out and helped coach everyone, and did a great, great job.
Q: What are you excited for in this season?
A: I’m most excited to see the girls from JV grow. I remember during the inaugural game of the season, one of the girls made their first goal and I screamed so loudly my voice was hoarse the next day. I love to see them grow and progress, since I know them to be talented and am thrilled to see them harness their skill on the field.
Q: What is your main source of inspiration?
A: My main source of inspiration is probably the other players. I try and watch the upperclassmen play and mimic their path to goal or leading hand or whatever we’re doing in a drill.
Q: What challenges did you face in this sport?
A: Playing for a team was definitely an adjustment, since everything is far more competitive. I hate the feeling of guilt whenever we lose a game and our coach expresses her disappointment and frustration. Also the practice schedule keeps us very busy, which was a challenge at first.
Q: What are the most enjoyable aspects of playing this sport?
A: The sport itself is fine, but the most enjoyable part of it has been meeting several of my closest friends and fostering a community among them—especially the two other girls from Daniel Pearl. Without lacrosse, I would’ve never had the chance to meet them and I am so incredibly grateful to have them in my life. The team as a whole is so encouraging and supportive, which really boosts my confidence and faith in the sport.
Q: What are the goals you want to achieve in lacrosse?
A: As a whole, I want to improve my skills. More specifically, I would love to gain added proficiency in cradling the ball and shooting with my left hand. The coach has talked to me about this on multiple occasions; she calls my dependence on my right hand a crutch, and I agree 100%. I am also in dire need of practice for my defense. I struggle immensely with this position, which has proven to be an issue when I am playing midfielder in a game and a girl runs down with the ball. I struggle with applying and maintaining body contact. By the end of the season, I hope to be a more well rounded player.
Q: What do you think is your biggest accomplishment so far?
A: I think I’ve been able to help out varsity by making assists, and JV by scoring a couple goals myself. Lately, my up field transitions have been improving which is beneficial for everyone. I’ve also gotten better on draw circle. Though I am far from perfect, I’m proud to see progress.
Q: What plans do you have for the future in this sport?
A: I might play more in high school but currently I have no plans to play in college or pursue lacrosse later in life. I agreed to assistant coach an elementary school team next spring, so that’ll be exciting. I hope that works out!