Smile (2022)
Streaming on Paramount+, “Smile” opens up to a psychiatric ward where the therapist Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon) is coaching a suicidal patient, who proceeds to kill herself right in front of Cotter while baring a devilish grin. Afterward, Cotter experiences horrifying hallucinations that are impossible to discern from reality, additionally, she sees a creepy smile that haunts her wherever she goes. As she descends into madness from her visions, Cotter must face her trauma if she wants to escape her living nightmare.

Host (2020)
Available on all major movie rental platforms and streaming on Philo, “Host” is a found- footage horror movie filmed from the perspective of a Zoom meeting. It is set at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which leads a group of six friends to meet up via Zoom. The monotonous nature of the lockdown prompts the group to seek some thrills by hosting a seance virtually. After one participant, Jemma (Jemma Moore) makes a joke of the spirits involved in the seance, they end up summoning something demonic.

Hereditary (2018)
“Hereditary” is a horror film available on all major video rental platforms that starts when Annie Graham’s (Toni Collette) grandmother dies, leaving Graham’s daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro) especially bereaved. Graham’s unanswered questions about her mother’s life continue to pester her past her death so she delves into remnants of her mother’s past. The family slowly plummets into grief-stricken chaos as it becomes clear that their mother’s life was much more sinister than meets the eye and they have inherited something demonic.

The Conjuring (2013)
“The Conjuring” streaming on Max, is centered around demonologists Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) and Ed (Patrick Wilson) Warren, who are based on famous real-life paranormal investigators who go under the same name. The film begins when Roger (Ron Livingston) and Carolyn (Lilli Taylor) Perron move into an isolated old decaying farmhouse with their kids. After the Perrons come face-to-face with the demon residing in their home, they call upon the Warrens to stop their haunting. Delving deeper into the house’s past, the Warrens uncover the historic events that occurred in the house that led to this terror.

Sinister (2012)
Scientifically proven to be the scariest movie ever, “Sinister” is a film streaming on Max that is perfect for viewers searching for a movie that encapsulates the ghastly nature of Halloween. “Sinister” follows Ellison Oswald (Ethan Hawke) a washed-up true-crime writer searching for his next famous book. Inspired by an eerie unsolved murder case, Oswald and his family move into the very home where it took place. In the attic, Oswald stumbles upon old film footage depicting horrendous murders, including the one that previously took place in his home. As Oswald’s investigation for his book indicates that the murders are occult and supernatural occurrences plague his home, Oswald realizes that this story may hit too close to home.

Insidious (2010)
Streaming on Peacock, “Insidious” begins when a young boy named Dalton (Ty Simpkins) falls into a coma after a mysterious accident in the home he recently moved into. Dalton’s parents, Renai (Rose Byrne) and Josh (Patrick Wilson) Lambert who are still shaken up from their son’s incident are terrorized once again, as they soon realize their house is haunted. Additionally, the spirits are strangely drawn to their comatose son, which leads the desperate measures to seek solutions to save their son.

The Descent (2005)
“The Descent” is a horror film available for free on Sling TV that takes place in a desolate cave system. It occurs after a tragic accident leaves Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) terribly shaken. Her friend Juno (Natalie Mendoza) hopes to help Holly recuperate by organizing a caving expedition with their closest friends. However, their trip originally intended to be rejuvenating takes a turn for the worst when their exit tunnels cave in with no possible chances of rescue. Lost, disoriented and afraid, as the girls venture out of the cave, they soon realize that they are not alone in the cave.