After two years, the senior contract was reinstated, causing concern for some in the Class of 2025. Seniors who want to participate in senior activities and the graduation ceremony are required to sign.
“The problem for me is my tardies,” senior Malaika Afridi said. “I don’t want to have to risk my senior activities for stuff like that.”
The new senior contract was distributed on Aug. 16 during a behavior assembly for seniors. It outlines the importance of behavior and attendance for seniors. The senior contract states that a student may not have unexcused absences and tardies, overdue library books or missing textbooks in order to participate in the graduation ceremony and senior activities. If any student has the privilege of senior activities revoked, the student and the student’s parents will be notified.
Seniors who do not clear their tardies and absences may appeal in cases where they have evidence to back up their claim. According to the senior contract, proper medical documentation from a doctor’s office or the school nurse works, but handwritten notes do not.
“I like that we can go on college visits without being tardy or absent from school,” senior Kamila De Leon said. “Absences are important because I want to be able to walk on graduation day.”
Some students wish for there to be more leniency on the tardy policy with students being able to have more than 10 tardies in a year. This would allow those who may have been tardy due to traffic or other circumstances have a bigger buffer than only 10 tardies.
“A larger limit to the attendance policy would be nice,” Afridi said. “If I am absent I will try to appeal it so they don’t get in the way of my senior activities.”