Horrifying video games for Halloween thrills
October 27, 2021
With Halloween right around the corner, there are many ways people plan to celebrate. But, what if you want to stay home and play some scary video games instead? Here are a couple of horror-themed games to play.

The fourth chapter of Dark Deception is one of the most amazing yet challenging chapters so far.
Travel through perilous portals in Dark Deception
One game suited for your Halloween is Glowstick Entertainment´s Dark Deception. The first chapter of this Pac-Man-style horror game was released for PC back in 2018.
The game´s concept is simple: You enter different portals that transport you to places teeming with monsters. Once there, you collect soul shards and unlock a ring piece and the ring pieces unlock new powers that enable you to collect the shards more efficiently. However, this seemingly basic task is complicated by the scores of monsters chasing you throughout your hunt.
That’s why on Sept. 28, fans were excited to see the fourth chapter come out. With new enemies such as beautiful yet deadly reaper nurses and a horrifying hoard of theme park mascots consisting of Lucky the Rabbit, Hangry the Pig and Penny the Chicken, this is one of the most amazing yet challenging chapters so far.
With the new character additions came new challenges to complete, new powers to control and more stories to learn within the game’s many secrets. These new additions force players to find strategies to beat these new stages and find the new hidden secrets. Even though this game may be hard to learn for some, it is very rewarding when you finally escape a hellish portal at the end.

Poppy Playtime is a terrifying game worthy of your Halloween consideration.
Explore a frightening factory in Poppy Playtime
Another terrifying game worthy of your Halloween consideration is Poppy Playtime. Created by MOB Games, this indie horror was made available on Oct. 12. It begins with an unnamed protagonist receiving a letter inviting him to his previous workplace, the factory of an old toy company named Playtime. Once entering the factory, the player must complete a series of short tasks that each open new passageways and reveal items to aid you on your journey. Although it appears simplistic, it wouldn’t be a horror game without something chasing you. In Poppy Playtime, there is only one monster, a large but terrifying toy called Huggy Wuggy.
Between the eerie abandoned toy factory and the immortalized giant doll, MOB Games nailed the fundamental aspects of a horror video game. Although some of the puzzles were tricky to decipher, this game is well-executed considering it´s recently developed and only the franchise’s very first chapter.
These video games are not only scary but their gameplay matched the eeriness of Halloween from start to finish. Glowstick Entertainment and MOB Games have done an amazing job creating horrifying games that include both quality storylines and unique horrifying monsters. They both strived to make a good horror game and from countless reviews, it seems they succeeded in doing so.