How to give back this holiday season

Eva Kaganovsky

Interact Club President Junior Jade Ajileye clears trays during the Annual Thanksgiving Senior Luncheon on Nov. 24, 2017.

Jade Campbell

Many of the people and animals that have been affected by the recent California fires have lost their homes and are in need of aide. Some organizations have set up programs where the public can help. Also, as the season of giving approaches, take time out of your day to help children and families in need of food, clothing and happiness.

The Humane Society in Ventura County does not receive any state funding and pays either out of pocket for items or uses money that has been donated. They have rescued many animals due to the fires and receive more daily. You can help them take care of the animals by donating money, time or food. There is also a Humane Society in Pasadena that needs assistance as well.

Another way to help animals that were affected by the wildfires is by fostering one of them. You can foster an animal from MaeDay Rescue in Los Angeles until they can be reunited with their owners. If you aren’t able to foster an animal you can visit their website and donate or purchase items the shelter selected from Amazon.

Some ways you can help the firefighters is by donating supplies to your local station. You can also donate money to certain charities. One thing to be aware of is where the organization sends the donations as some of it goes out of state. The Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation is asking for donations to help them continue protecting people’s property, lives and environment.

Toys for Tots is an organization run by the Salvation Army that works with the U.S. Marine Corps to help collect toys to give to children in need. You can volunteer with this program to help label, organize toys in bags and help distribute toys to deserving children in the community. If you would like to help with the toy sorting, the event will be held on Dec. 11 and 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

On Dec. 15, you can help load toys into cars for those who are participating in “adopt a family,” an event where you provide families who are in need with food, clothing and other necessities. This event, held by the Salvation Army, will take place at the Angel Stadium and will be from nine in the morning until noon. Toy and Joy shop is a project held by the Salvation Army where a volunteer is paired with a client to help shop for their children. Volunteers are to be friendly and help pick out toys for their children that accurately fit the child’s age and interest. They are also looking for volunteers to work as greeters.