Athlete of the Month: Karen Ticas keeps an eye on her goal
May 24, 2018

Q: How long have you been playing lacrosse?
A: I’ve been playing since last year.
Q: What position do you play for JV girls lacrosse?
A: I play attack and i want to do midfield for JV.
Q: Tell me about what you like about lacrosse.
A: I like my team, the thrill of running and shooting, and passing, the friendships, and the practices. The practices are exciting and I feel motivated when I’m around my teams.
Q: What do you suggest to new student athletes about balancing school and sports?
A: Keep up to date with all your work, don’t procrastinate, if you ever need help find some, and try to be the best you.
Q: What went through your mind when you made your first goal?
A: I was thinking,”finally I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” The adrenaline rush made me feel so happy.
Q: What is the most challenging part of playing lacrosse?
A: The conditioning is tiring. Our coach really tires us out but it is worth it in the end.
Q: What do you think you need to improve on for next season?
A: I need to improve on crossing my defenders because I don’t want to be touched by them, and I want to be faster.
Q: What do you look forward to the most next season?
A: I look forward to the new players, the doals I’ll make, the people I’ll cross, and the stronger relationships with my teammates.