A new light shines in the Alola region
Necrozma’s new forms, Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings, will debut in Pokémon UltraSun and Pokémon UltraMoon on Nov. 17.
October 25, 2017
Venture into the far reaches of the Alola region as the Pokéverse expands with Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for the Nintendo 3DS.
“Now, with Ultra Sun and Moon, there are more Ultra beasts and legendaries, more Pokémon and more adventures in the Alola region,” junior Thomas Short said.
This new expansion allows for travel through Ultra Wormholes to challenge Ultra Beasts in their home territories, explore the Ultra Megalopolis, encounter the Ultra Recon Squad and uncover more secrets of the UB Pokémon.
Many aspects of the past games, Pokémon Sun and Moon, have been changed to use the vast areas to roam within and beyond Alola.
In this new expansion, the legendary Pokémon Necrozma has stolen the light of Alola, rendering the region and its powerful trainers vulnerable to confrontation by the Ultra Recon Squad, represented by different teams in each version.
Through returning the light to the Alola region in Ultra Sun, players cross with members Dulse and Zossie. In Ultra Moon, players cross with Soliera and Phyco.
“The new forms – I’m expecting those to be more cool with new opportunities to catch Ultra Beasts,” Short said.
The three new Ultra Beasts, UB Adhesive, UB Burst and UB Assembly, have the same ability as other UBs, Beast Boost. In addition, there are special gift Pokémon available for early buyers.
Despite new Pokémon and features, however, most players ignore the story modifications and assume the worst of this installment.
“I’m more interested in seeing a remake of the older games,” Chelsea Bangert said. “Honestly, I’d like to see some varied play.”
Other players, however, see the enhanced gameplay and originality of the sequel through the repeated story format.
“I feel that people should give it a chance before they critique it,” Short said.
The next chance to catch them all begins on Nov. 17 as generation seven continues to bring new Pokémon and new adventures through uncharted areas of familiar and unfamiliar regions alike, expanding the multiverse of Pokémon as we know it.