Early Tuesdays make an unexpected comeback

Anthony Freyre and Ani Kocharyan

After their one-year suspension, short Tuesdays make their long-awaited return, as students now get out of school at 1:42 p.m. and regular school hours return to 3:16 p.m.

“Last year when we didn’t use early Tuesdays, it made it really hard for us to get enough days for everybody to get together for all the different meetings,” said Principal Deb Smith.

The school was able to revive early dismissal because the teachers needed more time to conduct their department meetings. LAUSD requires that schools have the minimum of 11 professional development meetings each year and have a staff meeting once a month.

“I prefer to get out earlier than 3:16 because I hate waiting in traffic, but at the same time I don’t mind getting out every Tuesday at 1:42,” said Davvy Mauermann.

LAUSD mandates that high schools must reach the minimum of  65,300 annual instructional minutes and luckily with the shortened Tuesdays the school is able to reach those minutes with a compromise of extending every other day to 3:16.

“We are required by law to get so many minutes of instruction everyday, so even with the short Tuesdays we are able to get it because we extend your days every other day of the week. So in reality you are here longer,” Smith said.