Interact Clubs makes brings safe water to third world countries
May 18, 2017

Interact clubs from Calabasas High School and Daniel Pearl Magnet High School assembled water pasteurization indicators (WAPIs) for third world countries on May 13.
During the annual Sparkle Saturday event, students and other volunteers met in the multi-purpose room to create the WAPIs.
“I think having water pasteurization indicators is really important in the developing world because having unclean water can be bad for your health and this easy thing can make sure your water is clean enough for your family,” junior Jade Ajileye said.
Students used tubes, soy wax and washers to create this device that’ll help people in third world countries test their water to make sure that it’s safe to consume.
To make the WAPIs, students melted one end tube in order to seal it. Then through the other end, they inserted the washer and the wax inside. Once the wax was inside, students melted the open end to seal the product.
WAPIs are designed to be reusable and easy to use. Water is inserted through one end and if the wax melts after being heated then the water is at 160 Fahrenheit and is safe to use. Once the wax cools, the WAPI is reusable.
The items created are going to be sent to Mexico.