Fans cry ‘purple rain’ after the death of music legend
April 25, 2016

The world experienced a great loss when music icon Prince Rogers Nelson died on April 21. He was 57 years old.
“The amount of energy that, that guy had. The amount of drive that, that guy had. The most beautiful dancer that I have ever seen,” science teacher Stephen Schaffter said.
On April 15, Prince was on a plane when it made an emergency landing in Moline, Illinois. Paramedics rushed the artist to the hospital. Prince had been sick with the flu for several weeks and felt worse after his show in Atlanta. He was shortly released and sent back home. The day of his death, Prince was found unresponsive in the elevator of his Paisley Park residence.
The cause of his death is still unknown and an autopsy was done on April 22. There were no signs of fuss and/or trauma. The toxicology report will take weeks to complete.
Shortly after his death was first announced by TMZ, fans mourned his death all over social media.
In Minneapolis, Minnesota fans gathered around the First Avenue nightclub that helped launch Prince’s career and was greatly featured in the movie “Purple Rain.” In downtown Minneapolis as well as around the world, parties were hosted to honor Prince’s legacy. Fans sang along to popular songs such as “Let’s Go Crazy” and the Oscar and Grammy award winning song, “Purple Rain.”
“Ever since then (Purple Rain tour) I’ve always had a warm spot in my heart for him. He was more than just a musician. He was a showman. He knew how to put on a show,” Schaffter said.
In Los Angeles, California, City Hall was lit up in purple to pay their respects. Daniel Pearl Magnet High School played his music during passing periods as their own form of respect. The AMC Theaters started screening Prince’s semi-autobiographical movie, “Purple Rain” on April 23 and will continue to screen it all the way through to April 28.
“The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day and night,” Prince said in the beginning of the song “Let’s Go Crazy.”