College Corner: Before deciding on a univeristy
April 6, 2016

The University of California Riverside welcomes potential students.
After the excitement of getting accepted to a university dies down, it’s time to make the decision of where you want to go for the next four years.
It’s important that you don’t say yes to the first place that you hear back from no matter how tempting it might be and that you do your research on the university before saying yes to a school.
- Make sure to visit the campus before depending on a virtual tour. Visiting the campus is a completely different experience. This is important, seeing you’ll be spending the next four years there. Make sure it provides a community that you feel safe and comfortable.
- Regularly check your Portal, something similar to email, where the university will send announcements, alerts and deadlines. Lookout for emails from financial aid for new updates. Universities will be asking for information such as final transcripts and test scores.
- Most places will require placement test for English and math. Though it will not affect the admission, it’s mandatory to take them. You can be excused from these tests if you passed certain AP exams or scoring high enough SAT or ACT score. Each university requires different scores for the SAT and ACT, check their website for accurate information.